Jennifer Meta Robinson
Presentations on Food and Agriculture, Selected
"Stories from the Field: Space, Place, and the Performance of Self." Association for the Study of Literature and Environment, Bloomington, IN, June 2011.2018
“Sustainability, Food, and Beer.” Colgate University Longyear Museum of Anthropology. April 19. 2018
“Selling Local.” USDA GoodGreens Presentation. September 28. 2017. With James Farmer.
Symposium session chair and presenter. “Applying Definitions of Local.” Performing Diverse Environmentalisms: Expressive Culture at the Crux of Ecological Change. Indiana University. March 4. 2017.
“Making the “Land Connection”: New Models in the Next Generation of Local, Sustainable Food Farming.” American Anthropological Association. Washington, DC. December. 2014
“Making the Land Connection: Local Food Farms and Sustainability of Place.” Greening of Everyday Life: Reimagining Environmentalism in Postindustrial Societies. Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society. Munich, Germany. June 19-21. Funded participation in symposium.2014
“The Education of New U.S. Farmers: Ethnography, Engagement, and Social Justice.” American Anthropological Association, Montreal. November. 2011.
“Folklore Making a Difference for Farmers: Using Findings toward a New Farm School.” American Folklore Society, Bloomington, IN. October. 2011.
“Environmental Literacy and a Sustainable Teaching Practice: Improving teaching and learning across campus.” The Schaefer Distinguished Lecturer Program. Gallaudet University. April. 2013.
“Local Food: Who Grows It, Who Buys It, and Why Does It Matter?” Earlham College. Sponsored by the Peace and Global Studies Department. September. 2012.
“Soil as Common Pool Resource.” Guest presentation for Geology Department, sponsored by Professor Cynthia Fadem. Earlham College, September. 2012.
“Urban Agriculture.” Guest presentation for Economics Department, sponsored by Professor Jonathan Diskin. Earlham College, September. 2012.
“The Ecology of SoTL: Influence and Impact of SOTL on a Campus Learning Community about Environmental Literacy.” Illinois State University. March. 2012.
“Performance and Ethnography: Notes from the Field.” Guest presentation for Folklore students, sponsored by Professor Michael Ann Williams. Western Kentucky University, October. 2007.
“Writing about Public Events.” Guest presentation for English Department students, sponsored by Professor Wes Berry. Western Kentucky University, October. 2007.
Presentations on Pedagogy and SOTL, Selected
"Big Data in Small Places: SOTL and the Possibilities for Transformation of First-Year Courses.” Indiana University Southeast, New Albany, Indiana. Sept 28, 2018.
"Scaling up for Learning: Community, Collaboration, and Analytics. P.A. Mack Award Keynote. Faculty Center for Excellence in Teaching. Indiana University. Nashville, Indiana. May 20, 2018.
“The Future of SOTL: Promising Models and Opportunities.” Research on Teaching and Learning: Integrating Practices Conference. McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. December 11, 2014.
"The Ecology of SOTL: The Long-Term Impact of a Learning Community on Environmental Literacy.” International Institute for SOTL Scholars and Mentors, Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, June 2012.
- “Understanding Grade Surprise: SOTL and Possibilities for Using Big Data in Three First-Year Courses.” International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Bergen, Norway. October 2018.
“HumAn Learning: Transforming Patterns in the Cultures of College with Learning Analytics and SOTL.” European Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Conference. Lund University, Sweden. June 2017.
Robinson, J. M. Huber, M. T., MacMillan, M. “Finding SOTL Audiences: Stories of our Field in Publications and Advocacy.” International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Los Angeles. October, 2016.
“Faculty Inquiry Networks in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning.” SOTL Commons Conference, Statesboro, GA, March 2011.
“Building Faculty Development Networks.” International Symposium, Future of Faculty Development in Japan: Building the Core in Faculty Development, Kyoto University. January 2009. ​